Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adventures in Baby Food

Its been a while since I have blogged, things have just been super busy around the Finogle household. Chad will be going on deployment soon, so we are squeezing in lots of family time before he heads out.

As soon as Chase was able to start eating solid foods, I decided that I wanted to attempt to make my own. I was very nervous because I didn't know if I would have the patience even though I have been told that I have the patience of a saint. Plus I didn't know how complicated it was and we travel alot so I didn't know how I would travel w/ the food. But I took a leap of faith and thoroughly enjoyed the ride!

I first started w/ the basics: Apples, Prunes (which by the way don't freeze well or travel well) Bananas (don't travel well either), Pears, Carrots, Green Beans, and Peas. All of those were a hit and Chase had no reaction to them, so I tested him w/ Peaches, Squash, Avacado, Swt Potatoes, all of which became an instant hit! He especially like Avacado mixed w/ Swt Potato. So then I went into uncharted territory and experimented w/ Mangos, Blueberries, Necterines, and Plums. Once again, to my surprise, a big hit! I recently attempted Rutabaga and Broccoli. Broccoli has been accepted but the Rutabaga still gets a funny look from Chase. I think its an acquired taste and totally takes me back to my childhood when my mom use to force us kids to eat it. She would say, just add some butter and salt and pepper and it tastes good. LOL!

I kind of cheat though. I go to some of these homemade baby food websites and steal recipes or I go to some of the websites of the jar foods you find on store shelves and steal recipes from them. But I must say that its been easier than I thought and I actually can't believe I didn't do it for my other 2 children. Having to go back to work 5 weeks postpartum w/ my first didn't help but my second I was already staying at home. Just was lazy I suppose.

I have seen so many gadgets out there for how to make and prepare the food, but I am perfectly comfortable w/ my trusty steamer and food processor. Yes, they are clunky, and yes they take up alot of kitchen counter space. But I really can't bring myself to purchase one of those gadgets when I already have the basics.

So as I sit here and type this the bell has gone off for the Apples, time to puree and freeze!

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