So here we are almost 30 weeks pregnant w/ our 3rd child and no nursery ready. All because we are on the waiting list w/ military housing to go from a 3 bdrm to a 4 bdrm. As soon as we found out we were expecting, we immediately contacted housing to go on the waiting list to be transfered. We had to refill out paperwork and I had to get confirmation from the doctor that I was expecting. After all was done we decided to go on 2 waiting lists to increase our chances of being moved before the baby was born. Not only is it newer housing but its also in the school district that we want our daughter to attend high school. The one we are zoned for now has a reputation and is nick-named Gang Run! Would you want your kid going to a HS nick named that?? I didn't think so.
When we originally decided on base housing 2 years ago when my husband received orders to transfer, we were given 2 options in the Virginia Beach area and 24 hours to make a decision based on what the outside appearance looked like. All we were told was that Virginia Beach had the nicer schools out of the Hampton Roads area. We were not allowed to see inside and there were no models that we could check out. Basically all we had was a generic floor plan w/ no dimensions and had to make a decision in 24 hours or we would fall further back on the list. So, we drove through both complexes and went w/ the nicer, newer ones. We knew the Elementary was good and the Middle was ok but had no idea about the HS. So, not knowing how long we would be here and if we would decide to stay in this area we chose the complex we did. Afterall, Em was in the 5th grade and if we received orders to move it would be before HS.
So aside from the HS being an issue, we now have crime creeping into our lovely development. The first incident was during the winter after we first moved here re: break in's in the middle of the day. Thats pretty darn scary if you ask me. People were being robbed in the middle of the day regardless if they were home or not. Things like TV's, gaming systems, jewelry, etc were being taken. Finally things settled down a little w/ the break ins. Come that March/April while Chad was underway, I truly believe we were the next targets. I was sitting in the living room w/ the shades up letting the sunlight come in when i noticed 2 black men w/ orange construction vests, bandanas, and sunglasses approach our backyard. Before i go on, i need to make it very clear that the housing office made it very clear to us when we first moved in that the backyard was our responsibility to maintain. Their lawn service did not mow the backyards or do any maintenance to the backyard. I took note of the orange vests because i remember the housing's lawn maintenance people always wore neon green. Not only that but i took note of the fact that it was March/April and lawn maintenance had not restarted from the winter break they take. It was close but no one had come out yet. Next thing i notice is the one guy open my gate and enter my backyard. He did have a weedwhacker in his hand and the other guy who stayed just outside the gate had something else but i could not tell what it was. As the first guy started to make his way through my very small yard, attempting to weed whack dead grass in random spots, i stood up from my chair and stared out the window at him. I think he finally noticed me once he had gotten closer to the window and proceeded to leave. After discussing this incident w/ our neighbors, no one else had one come in their backyards that day. I truly think that we were the next ones to be robbed and had i not stood up or not been there, i think it would have happened. Thank GOD i had my angels watching over us that day!!
So another weird incident w/ crime was a HS boy on a couple streets over had been shot dead at the convenient store around the corner. A few days later, his house where his dad and step mom lived had a drive by shooting happen. No one was hurt but for weeks, there was a security guard that stood at the beginning of the street and would not allow anyone who did not live on that street down it.
So here I am 30 wks pregnant and more than 1 reason to move out of here. We are #14 on the list. I call housing every month to see if we move up and keep getting the same response. This is the summer months when most families move and things open up. But for some reason, no one is wanting to move this summer. I also throw out my husbands rank of Chief when i talk w/ the housing office, thinking that might encourage the housing office to move us up the list, but so far that hasn't worked either. I also mentioned that he will be underway the entire month of October and can they do something about that, again... no is the answer. There is also an 8 mo deployment coming up at the first of the year and I have a sneaky feeling that we will receive the call that our number is up and a 4 bdrm is available. Leaving me w/ the responsibility to completely move all by myself w/ 2 children and a newborn! I am sure this has been done before.... right??
Afterall..... I am a Navy wife... i can handle this... i think?? :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
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